View details
DEGAS Edgar - ALS re speaking with Camondo
DEVONSHIRE William Cavendish, 6th Duke - ALS arranging a visit to Lismore
DICKSON Sir Alexander - ALS 1827 to Francis Freeling about a postal problem
EDWARD VII - Christmas and New Year greetings on card
ERNEST AUGUSTUS - LS explaining a recommendation
FREDERICK DUKE OF YORK - LS 1809 regarding problems in New South Wales
FRY Elizabeth - ALS 1843 to Lady Shaftesbury
GARIBALDI Giuseppe - LS 1861 advising a lady to meet with Laura Solera Mantegazza
GEORGE IV - Document Signed 1818 ceding the territory of Parga to the Sublime Porte
GEORGE IV - signature from end of a document
GERARD Baron - ALS 1828 recommending a German painter
GORDON General Charles George - ALS 1877 describing his travels in Sudan
HARTE Bret - ALS 1881 about a lecture
HUSKISSON William - ALS 1829 fiercely objecting to American government policies
ISABEY Jean-Baptiste - ALS to a fellow artist
JENNER Sir William - ALS 1883 inviting the Duke of Albany
JOACHIM Joseph - ALS arranging a musical evening
JULIEN Stanislas - ALS 1846 regarding books from Macao
LACEPEDE comte de - LS 1806 to Serurier together with Legion of Honour documents
LAYARD Austen Henry - ALS 1853 accepting an invitation