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SHREWSBURY Duke of - LS 1699 to Dr Charles Trimnell the King's Chaplain
SIMENON Georges - ALS giving friendly advice to a writer
SIMENON Georges - Signature with sentiment
SITWELL Sacheverell - ALS 1974 discussing a gala at the Royal Opera House
SMITH Dodie - ALS on Christmas Card 1977 mentioning her new books
SOMERVILLE William - ALS 1828 discussing medicine and family matters
SPENDER Stephen - Autograph Card 1953 with copy of Valery's Poesies, inscribed
SPRING Howard - ALS 1958
STANHOPE Lady Hester - AL 1803 interceding for an injured captain
STEVENSON Robert Louis - ALS from Vailima to a doctor and member of the London Missionary Society
SWITZERLAND - Attractive Document Signed 1788
TALLEYRAND Charles Maurice - LS 1803 interceding for an Englishman
TERRY Ellen - ALS 1890
TERRY Ellen - Autograph Message Signed 1886
THACKERAY William Makepeace - ALS 1851 explaining his absence
THORNDIKE Sybil - TLS 1925 turning down a role
TYNAN Kenneth - TLS regarding new playwrights
van LOON Hendrik Willem - Elephant sketch Signed 1933
WALPOLE Hugh - ALS 1938 an invitation to his new Luncheon Club
WATERLOO - ALS June 1815 to the Dean of Windsor giving details of the battle