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LEHMANN Rosamond - ALS 1928 about Dusty Answer
LEICESTER Robert Dudley, Earl of - LS 1585 recruiting support for his campaign in the Spanish Netherlands
LEIGH Chandos - ALS 1824 regarding an unpaid bill
LESSEPS Ferdinand de - ALS 1869 from Suez
LIDDELL Henry - ALS 1877 inviting Prince Leopold
LOUIS PHILIPPE I - ALS 1831 regarding matters under discussion with his ministers
MACAULAY Rose - ALS 1927 acknowledging a compliment
MACDONALD Marshal Etienne-Jacques, Duke of Taranto - ALS 1825
MAHON Charles - AL canvassing support for William Pitt
MARCEL Gabriel - ALS discussing the education of children
MARCHENA Jose - ALS 1812 sending news of conditions in Spain
MARE Walter de la - ALS 1918
MARET Hugues-Bernard - ALS 1805 after victory at Austerlitz
MARIA THERESA - Autograph Annotation and Notes 1768 about a letter and portrait to be sent to the King of Naples
MARTINEAU Harriet - ALS borrowing a book on China and commenting on Nina Sforza
MASEFIELD John - ALS 1910 regarding some proofs
MASEFIELD John - ALS 1917 before his trip to America
MASEFIELD John - ALS regretting the disappearance of The Strand magazine
MASSENA André - Document Signed 1796 ordering compensation
MASSENA Andre - LS 1809 at the start of the War of the Fifth Coalition