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MASSENET Jules - ALS 1908 arranging a meeting
MILES Bernard - TLS 1961 declining a project because of pressure of work
MILL John Stuart - ALS 1865 re. remarks on the Libel Bill
MILLAIS John Everett - ALS 1857 accepting an invitation to go shooting
MILLIGAN Spike - Two TLSs 1977-78 thanks for a letter of sympathy and support
MONTEUX Pierre - TLS 1922 giving advice to a young musician
MONTGOMERY Bernard Law - ALS 1951 concerning a disagreement in Italy
MONTGOMERY Bernard Law - ALS June 1945 planning for the winter
MONTGOMERY Bernard Law - Christmas Greetings 1955
MORTIER Edouard, duc de Trevise - LS 1812 admitting a soldier to the Invalides
MUMFORD Lewis - ALS 1968 discussing civic centers and urban planning
MUNNINGS Alfred - ALS recommending a German spa
MURAT Joachim - LS 1805 acknowledging congratulations
MURRAY Gilbert - ALS 1918 during the General Election campaign
NEY Michel - ALS 1796 in pursuit of the enemy after the battle of Altenkirchen
NEY Michel - LS 1810 from Salamanca
NEY Napoleon-Joseph 2nd Prince de la Moskowa - ALS to a pioneer of homeopathy
NICOLSON Harold - TLS 1954 making complicated arrangements
NOVELLO J. Alfred - ALS 1887 sending thanks for A History of Cheap Music
O'CASEY Sean - ALS 1941 regarding Anglo-Soviet Medical Aid